Al Pacino revealed that a woman tried to drive him away in a car. How did he get out of this situation?

The 84-year-old actor Al Pacino described an unpleasant situation with a fan in his recently published memoir, “Sonny”.

In it, he describes going to a bar with Richard Hackman, Gene Hackman’s brother. Pacino struggled to stand after a night of heavy drinking.

As he left the bar, he met a fan who offered him a lift home in her car. Al Pacino accepted and entered the vehicle. However, after a while, he recognized she was not going in the direction of his home.

“I asked, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ And she replied, ‘I’m kidnapping you,’” he noted. The actor stressed that the fan’s actions did not appear flirty or humorous.

He told her he wanted to leave the automobile, but she refused.

“I opened the door as if I was about to jump out of a moving car. I was drunk, but I was ready to leap if I had to,” the actor said. Knowing he was in danger, the fan stopped the car and let him out.

Al Pacino was nominated for an Oscar in 1973 but did not receive it. He admitted that he battled with the unexpected popularity that surrounded him and sought therapy to deal with his nervousness and unease.

A year ago, Al Pacino became a father for the fourth time. His girlfriend, Noor Alfallah, gave birth to a son named Roman. The pair now maintains they are just friends who share parenting responsibilities for their child.

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