Police are called on boy selling ‘Ice Cold Beer’ but his clever sign has them laughing

Some individuals just have a natural talent for business. When you mix that with hard work, a readiness to take chances, and the desire to improve their skills, it creates a powerful recipe for success.

A Utah boy named Seth is just 11 years old but he has already started a business and his marketing strategy has left many in awe recently.

He ended up not selling lemonade like he planned. Instead, he stood by the sidewalk with a sign that said, “Ice Cold Beer.”

Some people thought it was adorable and complimented him for launching a business, but other neighbors were worried about a kid selling beer, so they called the police.

In no time, a few officers visited Seth’s stand, and instead of telling him off, they had a good laugh.

This young business whiz was actually selling root beer, but the word “root” was in tiny green letters, while “beer” was in much bigger letters.

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